Topic: Environment

Lest we forget: remembering the Spanish Flu

The 1918 “Spanish” Flu killed more people than died in WW1: for every soldier killed in combat, three died of that flu. Calogero Cumbo explores why, in the middle of our current pandemic, we have forgotten that previous one.

ZOOM: Care in the times of Corona

As GDP plummets, resource use exploitation and pollution declines, emissions fall and non-human life is able to re-inhabit spaces through diminished human activity, it might appear that environmentalists and degrowthers have cause to celebrate. Yet it is important to distinguish the current crisis from an intentional degrowth feminist project. This Crisis is not our Degrowth! … Continue reading ZOOM: Care in the times of Corona

ZOOM: Introduction to Living Soils

Vivian grew up in the West IsIand and graduated from McGill University’s School of Environment with ecological field experience at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. She is a musician, singer\songwriter, and photographer as well as an environmentalist and permaculturalist. Vivian lives now in the Eastern Townships, where in 2015, she started a company called DocTerre, … Continue reading ZOOM: Introduction to Living Soils

Many Notions of God

Most religions claim an insight into ultimate reality, which they call God, but we Unitarian Universalists, being creedless, make no such claim. Or do we?  In our seventh principle, we affirm the existence of the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part.  It is wonderful to welcome Calogero, from Ottawa, to our congregation. He will share his journey … Continue reading Many Notions of God

Protecting Montréal Green Spaces

Lisa Mintz founded Sauvons la falaise, whose primary mission is to ensure protection of the St. Jacques Escarpment Eco-territory, and connection with other existing green spaces including the future Meadowbrook park.  She will discuss the history and biology of the falaise as well as the intense efforts of Citizen Scientists, Birdwatchers, Nature Lovers and Environmental … Continue reading Protecting Montréal Green Spaces

Conservation in Costa Rica

Jessica Burpee writes: The talk will be about my experience giving an Ecotourism course in Costa Rica, where our group stayed at an indigenous village and learned how they built their ecotourism lodge from the ground up, building on their  inherent worth and dignity. As a result, they are showing others in the country how to … Continue reading Conservation in Costa Rica

Reimagining the World

How can we work for environmental justice and put the brakes on climate change without first, imagining a different world? Rev. Nicoline will speak about how finding ways to reduce her carbon footprint has been a central part of her personal faith journey as a Unitarian Universalist.  Rev. Nicoline Guerrier, Minister at the UU Fellowship … Continue reading Reimagining the World