Topic: Connections

ZOOM: Racism – a personal issue

Reverend Terre Balof, who serves as the Minister of the UU Fellowship of Clemson, South Carolina will speak about her efforts of building an interfaith anti anti-racism coalition in her area and how the efforts are touching both the personal and the community at large.

ZOOM: Mother’s Day

Fairness, kindness, good judgement and understanding of one another are gifts from our mothers that we carry with us for our whole lives. Lakeshorers will reminisce about the lasting gifts they received from their mothers.

ZOOM: Comfort

What if Unitarians were to rewrite the 23rd Psalm – what imagery would you propose that brings you comfort? Where, currently are you looking for comfort – and where are you finding it? Make a few notes on bringing comfort – Unitarian style.

ON ZOOM: Growing Edges

After the success in quality and quantity (40 attendees) of our first Sunday Service on Zoom, 29 March 2020, services will be held regularly on Zoom until the effective end of the coronavirus pandemic lock-down is over. Using a term from the art and science of Professional Chaplaincy, “growing edges,” Heather will reflect on some of the growing … Continue reading ON ZOOM: Growing Edges

Dans la rue is there for Homeless Youth

Founded just over thirty years ago, by Father Emmett Johns, nicknamed ‘Pops,’ the organization Dans la rue holds out a helping hand to homeless youth. Funded 95 % by private donations, Dans la rue offers an integrated approach to the multiple needs of these youth:   Its famous food van, la Roulotte, run entirely by volunteers An emergency shelter, the Bunker … Continue reading Dans la rue is there for Homeless Youth

Fem U: The Promise & Perils of Equity in the Canadian University

Professor Kimberley Manning, Principal of Concordia’s Simone de Beauvoir Institute, returns to Lakeshore for a second time. She outlines her topic: The modern North American university was constructed to serve the needs of white, male, married professors. For the past thirty years Canadian university administrators, faculty, funding bodies, and students have struggled to shift longstanding … Continue reading Fem U: The Promise & Perils of Equity in the Canadian University

On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

We have the pleasure of welcoming Rabbi Sherril Gilbert as she returns to Lakeshore for the fourth time. This time, she will explore the systems thinking principle of emergence, and apply it to moral ways of being in the world, termite architecture, and Hasidic mystical teachings. Service leader – Christopher Thomson Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz … Continue reading On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

Caring Across Continents

Dolores Meade is one of the founders of the Hudson Grandmothers group called Grannies Aid for Africa. This group is part of the Grandmother’s Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. She will speak about the impact of the AIDS pandemic on African communities and about the role of both African and Canadian grandmothers in rebuilding … Continue reading Caring Across Continents