Archives: Services

Poetry and Song to Greet Spring [hybrid]

With the arrival of truly spring-like weather, it is a good moment to let our hearts sing and be filled with poetry. Lakeshore members will contribute their presence and talents in this service given over entirely to songs and poems.

The Nature of Value and the Value of Nature [hybrid]

Gary will speak on some of the projects he has been working on to protect biodiversity in Montreal and internationally in the face of development and climate change. It is important to value nature using integrated ecological-economic and social approaches, recognizing that they are all depend on each other. 

Empire of Wheat: 1887-1939 [hybrid]

Nicholas Tošaj (Ph.D. Toronto) is a professor of history at John Abbott College and an active participant in the Oxford Symposium of Food and Gastronomy. 
He will explore the history of bread and staple carbohydrates; its cultural importance in shaping the modern French colonial empire of France, colonial Morocco and French Indochina. He will address themes as varied as colonization, technology and cultural exchange, which provide insight into how dietary habits have shaped the modern world.

Our Shared History [hybrid]

Paule Mauffette écrit : J’ai enseigné l’histoire constitutionnelle du Canada au cégep Ahuntsic pendant près de 20 ans. L’analyse de l’histoire de notre hymne national de même que la comparaison entre l’hymne en français et l’hymne en anglais reflètent bien les tumultes de notre histoire et nous font comprendre la nature même du pays dans lequel nous vivons.
I am a retired history teacher from Cegep Ahuntsic and my main subject was the history of the Canadian constitution. We can discover through the analysis of the different anthems in French and in English a country with a tumultuous history that makes Canada so special.

Deeply Caring Love [Zoom only]

Clifford Lincoln writes: As we gather in peace to celebrate love for one another and understanding among all peoples, we cannot but turn our thoughts towards those countless innocent fellow human-beings who, at this very hour, are the victims of the indescribable savagery and senseless brutality of war. And I could not help thinking of an episode in my own life’s experience involving Russia in another autocratic era of oppression and cruelty, and a remarkable Russian citizen, Vera Parnes, who defying the injustice of an all-powerful regime, became a living symbol of freedom and liberty for oppressed peoples.

The Adventure of Self-Discovery [hybrid]

Steve Sim’s, a new resident of Lachine In this presentation, Steve will explore themes that focus on growth in self-knowledge, and the wisdom of personal transformation. For each of us, an epic journey of learning and loving unfolds out of life’s endless summons to transformation – the invitation to live more consciously, more creatively, more compassionately.
Wisdom guides us into the unknown – a quality of attention and intention marks out a journey to find the hidden self. The way is often dark: moving beyond illusion and isolation, composting muddy emotions, deconstructing the ego, transforming fear into loving kindness. The soul fire of the universe is love. As we give and receive love, we connect with the whole of life – its beauty, its intelligence, its purpose, its timeless harmony.

Battling Senior Isolation

A community health advocate and outreach worker for seniors in NDG-Cote-des-Neiges, Miranda Potts was chosen as the Montreal Council of Women’s “Woman of the Year” in 2021 for her tireless efforts fighting isolation in the elderly community during the pandemic. Miranda will reflect on the joys and struggles of her work.

Easter Sunday – Flower Communion Service

We are very excited to have our first service back in person of 2022, on Easter weekend! This will be a multi-generational service with participants of all ages.
As in the past, there will be a Story Time and this week’s story will be Easter themed. Congregants of all ages will be speaking and sharing throughout the service. The highlight will be our beautiful flower communion; everyone is asked to bring a flower which will be exchanged for a different flower during the service. We are all really looking forward to seeing everyone and connecting in person once again!

Becoming an Opera singer, or The Highs and the Lows

Meet Claire de Sévigny Sunday April 3rd, who will discuss her passion for opera and performing. She will share the highs and lows from her career thus far. She will discuss the trials, tribulations and realities for a singer on the road, and the struggles that live arts workers have faced during the pandemic. Claire will speak to the importance of live music and its essential need in everyday life!