2018 Stewardship Report

2018 Stewardship Report Summary: Investments UP, Income and Expenditures DOWN Major factors influencing our investment results: – shorter reference period (to February) this year due to earlier date of this presentation – slower growth in LAM investment fund 3,5% this year vs. 7% last year (BLUE bars) – both years had identical withdrawal of 5000 $ … Continue reading 2018 Stewardship Report

Energetic Love

Energetic Love.   The Energy of Love It can be as difficult to define As it is easy to feel The moment now Where it can feel, even surreal It is this love we all wish to capture and keep but energetic love, like all energy While it can be stored It will certainly seep … Continue reading Energetic Love

Long-range Planning Meeting

As part of our community’s on-going reflections on stewardship, we need to think not only about fundraising but also about how we spend our money. To this end, the Annual General Meeting in June 2017 adopted the following resolution: To strike a committee to reflect on the uses to which our investment fund could be put to sustain … Continue reading Long-range Planning Meeting

Communications Committee updates new Website

During a Membership and Communications Committee brainstorming session at Lakeshore on 31 March 2017, Timothy Byrnes suggested that building a new blog-compatible website could be the most cost-effective way of making what we offer as an inclusive spiritual community better known to the larger Montreal community. Nowadays, with so much information available on-line, talking up … Continue reading Communications Committee updates new Website

Remembrance Today

We honour the soldiers who battled on the front lines Who sacrificed for a cause and their country Even ending their time   War is filled with stories of great heroism and valour  … but in itself is a shame All sides claim to be righteous Often even pray to a god of the same name … Continue reading Remembrance Today

Spirituality for Montreal’s Religiously Unaffiliated?

Spirituality without Religious Identity? In our Lakeshore community, there is a near constant discussion on the role of spirituality and regular ceremonial celebrations.  We even debate what to call our “services.”    Avoiding all ceremonial aspects could make the event seem too sterile.  Alternatively, too much ceremony can weigh heavily and make it seem too “heavy.” … Continue reading Spirituality for Montreal’s Religiously Unaffiliated?