Topic: Spirituality

Moving through the Five Gates of Grief [hybrid]

Margaret Mead once said something about the United States which also holds true about Canada: “Mourning has become unfashionable in the United States. The bereaved are supposed to pull themselves together as quickly as possible and to reweave the torn fabric of life. … we do not allow … for the weeks and months during which a loss is realized – a beautiful word that suggests the transmutation of the strange into something that is one’s own.”
Margaret Mead alludes to grief as something both personal and communal.
Francis Weller, a wise elder in the field of grief work, has taught a much-needed antidote to the “memorialize and get back to work” process that Mead laments. I think she would appreciate Weller’s “FIVE (or SIX), GATES OF GRIEF transmutation process.

The Extra and the Ordinary [hybrid]

How do we begin to see the extra in the ordinary? That’s the focus of our conversation, which begins with an exploration of our ideas and beliefs about what we consider ordinary. 
In the words of C.S. Lewis, “Nothing can seem extraordinary until you have discovered what is ordinary.” The reflections shared in this talk speak to the wise voice in each one of us that calls us to live life whole-heartedly by celebrating the extra in the ordinary throughout each day.

An Ode to Trees: A Sharing Service [hybrid]

Autumn is the time of year when the trees call out to us – with their bright colours and rustling leaves demanding our attention – and our awe. 
This service will reflect on the magic, majesty, and mystery of trees – and we will have time to share our favourite poems, songs and stories about our love of trees.

What We Are Grateful For [in church only]

We invite each person attending to bring an image of something for which you are very grateful (a copy of a photo, a drawing or one cut out of a magazine). For those who forget, we will have a collection of old magazines and scissors on hand to find an image before the service begins. During the service, each person will be asked to share why they chose that image, and to add their image to a poster board we will have on hand. 

Creativity and the Ageless Spirit [hybrid]

Pablo Picasso was in his 80s when he said: “It takes a long time to become young.” If there really is such a thing as a Fountain of Youth, it could be creativity. And not necessarily restricted to the arts. Whatever our age it’s up to us each day to create our lives. 
What awakens the ageless spirit in you?

My Life, My Journey

A recording artist and professional singer-songwriter for 25 years, and a Unitarian Universalist for nearly ten, Rob Lutes will reflect on his work and spiritual journey.
There will be a Potluck Lunch after this service, inside or outside depending on the weather.

The Times They Are a-Changin’ – And So Are We [Zoom only]

How much can things change and still remain the same? And how do we maintain our personal identities when we need to adapt to the changing world around us?
It is always a pleasure to welcome Dorothy back to LUUC, even when it is on Zoom! She will give us much to think about today….

Spiritual Manifestations [Zoom only]

You are jolted awake from a deep sleep by the sight of a man plunging down past row after row of windows, the windows of a gleaming sky-scraper, to his death.

In our service today, we’ll be reflecting on the mystical, the uncanny, the confounding, the troublesome, sometimes frightening, sometimes joy-filled experiences that many would prefer to keep to themselves.

Poetry and Song to Greet Spring [hybrid]

With the arrival of truly spring-like weather, it is a good moment to let our hearts sing and be filled with poetry. Lakeshore members will contribute their presence and talents in this service given over entirely to songs and poems.

Deeply Caring Love [Zoom only]

Clifford Lincoln writes: As we gather in peace to celebrate love for one another and understanding among all peoples, we cannot but turn our thoughts towards those countless innocent fellow human-beings who, at this very hour, are the victims of the indescribable savagery and senseless brutality of war. And I could not help thinking of an episode in my own life’s experience involving Russia in another autocratic era of oppression and cruelty, and a remarkable Russian citizen, Vera Parnes, who defying the injustice of an all-powerful regime, became a living symbol of freedom and liberty for oppressed peoples.