Topic: Human Rights

Extreme Empathy

Can we empathize with a white suprematism, or an anti-semite, or perhaps those people who stormed Capitol Hill? Federico Sanchez proposes that we might not be facing a political dilemma, but an existential information problem that causes citizens to believe in different realities.

Food Security & Job Preparedness

Pierre Legault will describe how Moisson Montreal, the largest food bank in Canada, was created. And how how Renaissance was created by the food bank in order to help people to become more independent.

Welcoming Strangers – Montréal City Mission

Rev. Paula Kline reflects on Montréal City Mission’s 110 years of welcoming strangers. She’ll speak about their refugee sewing collective’s mask making as well as the impact of the 1989 Polytechnique tragedy on her community.

The Uighers and Amnesty International

Amnesty Canada fieldworker Wilf Ruland speaks about what is happening to the Uighurs in Xinjiang & in particular a Canadian Uighur who is detained there. He also talks about other Canadians imprisoned in China.

Ending Chronic Homelessness

Old Brewery Mission has been serving as a resource for homeless men and women since 1889. James Hughes, CEO, will speak of challenges faced with the pandemic and how we can help.

Promoting Equity through Language

Samantha will discuss how learning from Dr. Douglas opened her eyes to the pervasive, lasting, and often covert impacts of systemic racism in North America. Samantha hopes to share some of what she has learned about how to use language to promote equity.

ZOOM: Racism – a personal issue

Reverend Terre Balof, who serves as the Minister of the UU Fellowship of Clemson, South Carolina will speak about her efforts of building an interfaith anti anti-racism coalition in her area and how the efforts are touching both the personal and the community at large.

ZOOM: Care in the times of Corona

As GDP plummets, resource use exploitation and pollution declines, emissions fall and non-human life is able to re-inhabit spaces through diminished human activity, it might appear that environmentalists and degrowthers have cause to celebrate. Yet it is important to distinguish the current crisis from an intentional degrowth feminist project. This Crisis is not our Degrowth! … Continue reading ZOOM: Care in the times of Corona