Archives: Services

Dealing with Difficult People

It is always a joy to welcome Fred Cappuccino, our Minister Emeritus, back to our congregation, which he served in the late 1960s and early 1970s. He will share his wisdom and experiences on “Dealing with Difficult People.”

Having recently … read more.

Tales from a Book of Life, Part 1: Adventures

Michael will explore our collective spirituality through a few intriguing, international stories and reflections from his family’s “book of life” that they’ve experienced over the years. He will start to go “bravely” on as a “free seeker” into areas that science has yet to fathom / to measure.

“In … read more.

Judaism Unbound – Jewish Renewal

What My Faith has Taught me about Building Community in a Multicultural World

In this presentation, Rabbi Sherril discusses her current thoughts on Jewish renewal, an evolving spiritual movement that is radically inclusive, superbly accessible, and deeply reverent. “Judaism Unbound” provides insights and suggestions for other … read more.

Community of Special Needs Families

The West Island Association for the Intellectually Handicapped (WIAIH) was created 60 years ago by a group of parents whose children had special needs. They needed mutual support, and wanted to find how to best help their children have full and happy lives. At that … read more.

Moving Ahead with Reconciliation

For this third service in our three part series about justice for people of the First Nations, we have the privilege of welcoming Chief Christine Zachary Deom, who will speak about reconciliation. Specifically, she will share her work and role in changing the Montreal city … read more.

Celebrating the Spring Equinox

The Spring Equinox arrived on March 21st. The days are lengthening, nature comes to life again, and there is hopefulness. We are reawakening ourselves after a long winter. Bring on the spring jackets and billy boots, the crocuses and snowdrops, the robins and the scent … read more.

Energetic Love

Timothy will speak to us about what he calls Energetic Love.   Exploring the power of love by considering love as an energy that is universal with infinite potential.   How the scientific theories for energy can be applied to the power of love.

Service leader: Ariel Amstutz

Musician: … read more.

Community-building by “Letting Go”

Bhaskar writes: Athough born a Hindu, I consider myself more of an ‘Undo’! Undoing habit patterns that are causing suffering. The organization that I have co-founded, daana, is all about community building, and making wellness practices accessible to all.

Service leader: Irene Hausknost

Musician: Kerry-Anne Kutz