Archives: Services

Lest we forget: remembering the Spanish Flu

The 1918 “Spanish” Flu killed more people than died in WW1: for every soldier killed in combat, three died of that flu. Calogero Cumbo explores why, in the middle of our current pandemic, we have forgotten that previous one.

Ending Chronic Homelessness

Old Brewery Mission has been serving as a resource for homeless men and women since 1889. James Hughes, CEO, will speak of challenges faced with the pandemic and how we can help.

Promoting Equity through Language

Samantha will discuss how learning from Dr. Douglas opened her eyes to the pervasive, lasting, and often covert impacts of systemic racism in North America. Samantha hopes to share some of what she has learned about how to use language to promote equity.

Belonging Here

Our three speakers this morning, Patience, Paul and Rob, respectively children of Nigeria, the USA, and New Brunswick, will share their own stories of coming to belong to this community as it is here and now.

What does Thanksgiving mean?

This Thanksgiving feels different, there has been sacrifice of a “normal” life style and worry for our collective health. People have had to try new ways to spend their time, for some this has brought joy.

We are All in This Together

In March, we paused to do a tour de table, a check-in on our states of being. This service will be an opportunity to do that again – to exchange our preoccupations in the hopes of encouraging in each of us.