Topic: Beliefs

Ancient Words for Modern Times

Milda looks at a phenomenon that inspires and uplifts worldwide. Arising from the hearts of sages and saints, devotional poetry shares transcendent insights and experiences in verse and often song.

Lest we forget: remembering the Spanish Flu

The 1918 “Spanish” Flu killed more people than died in WW1: for every soldier killed in combat, three died of that flu. Calogero Cumbo explores why, in the middle of our current pandemic, we have forgotten that previous one.

Promoting Equity through Language

Samantha will discuss how learning from Dr. Douglas opened her eyes to the pervasive, lasting, and often covert impacts of systemic racism in North America. Samantha hopes to share some of what she has learned about how to use language to promote equity.

ZOOM: God Revised

The Reverend Galen Guengerich believes that we have outgrown the concept of a supernatural God, so we no longer need one, yet we still need religion to give us a sense of common community and ethics and morality.

ZOOM: Comfort

What if Unitarians were to rewrite the 23rd Psalm – what imagery would you propose that brings you comfort? Where, currently are you looking for comfort – and where are you finding it? Make a few notes on bringing comfort – Unitarian style.

Fahrenheit 451

Federico Sanchez is a Montréal journalist working in French-language media. His Lakeshore talk will touch on books, empathy and the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes.   The presentation is inspired by the sci-fi novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, and its uncanny prediction of our present. This subject will tie in … Continue reading Fahrenheit 451

Does Faith Bring Rewards?

Michael has been studying all beliefs and religions; but wonders: Have any of us changed in the last few years & how would we know for sure – are we tumbleweeds forever skimming over the desert of life OR are some of us changing and taking root at an oasis – is the reward of faith, for example, … Continue reading Does Faith Bring Rewards?

Many Notions of God

Most religions claim an insight into ultimate reality, which they call God, but we Unitarian Universalists, being creedless, make no such claim. Or do we?  In our seventh principle, we affirm the existence of the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part.  It is wonderful to welcome Calogero, from Ottawa, to our congregation. He will share his journey … Continue reading Many Notions of God

Our Traditional Youth Service

This multi-generational service will be created and presented by our Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist youth and children. There will be readings, singing, and many delightful surprises. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate and welcome in the holiday spirit! Service leader – Erin Berry Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz Hospitality – Dori & Peter Abbott