We are All in This Together
In March, we paused to do a tour de table, a check-in on our states of being. This service will be an opportunity to do that again – to exchange our preoccupations in the hopes of encouraging in each of us.
In March, we paused to do a tour de table, a check-in on our states of being. This service will be an opportunity to do that again – to exchange our preoccupations in the hopes of encouraging in each of us.
What if Unitarians were to rewrite the 23rd Psalm – what imagery would you propose that brings you comfort? Where, currently are you looking for comfort – and where are you finding it? Make a few notes on bringing comfort – Unitarian style.
Susan Czarnocki asks: When you hear the phrase “the inherent worth and dignity of every person”, what image forms in your head? A mother’s love, the kindness of strangers, multicultural diversity? How do war, torturers, mass-murderers and serial killers fit into this picture? What is the ‘real world’ meaning of the our First Unitarian Principle? … Continue reading The First Principle
What does the word consciousness trigger in your mind: curiosity, indifference? At some level do you sense that consciousness is like heart-beats, and breathing: the very stuff of life, not needing further explanation? Or do you consider that we are just barely beginning the process of comprehending what consciousness consists of? Today’s service is an … Continue reading Consciousness: Mystery or Chemistry
At the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions, big signs in the hallways saying PoWR are eye-catching – and with over 7000 attendees chanting, praying, ranting – one would have thought that peace on earth would have broken out for sure. But alas it was not to be…. Leaving literalist quibbles aside, however, there was … Continue reading PoWR: Parliament of the World’s Religions, 2018
The Spring Equinox arrived on March 21st. The days are lengthening, nature comes to life again, and there is hopefulness. We are reawakening ourselves after a long winter. Bring on the spring jackets and billy boots, the crocuses and snowdrops, the robins and the scent of sun-warmed earth! As this will be a multi-generational service, … Continue reading Celebrating the Spring Equinox