Speaker: Susan Czarnocki

We are All in This Together

In March, we paused to do a tour de table, a check-in on our states of being. This service will be an opportunity to do that again – to exchange our preoccupations in the hopes of encouraging in each of us.

ZOOM: Comfort

What if Unitarians were to rewrite the 23rd Psalm – what imagery would you propose that brings you comfort? Where, currently are you looking for comfort – and where are you finding it? Make a few notes on bringing comfort – Unitarian style.

The First Principle

Susan Czarnocki asks: When you hear the phrase “the inherent worth and dignity of every person”, what image forms in your head? A mother’s love, the kindness of strangers, multicultural diversity? How do war, torturers, mass-murderers and serial killers fit into this picture? What is the ‘real world’ meaning of the our First Unitarian Principle? … Continue reading The First Principle