Archives: Services

ON ZOOM: Growing Edges

After the success in quality and quantity (40 attendees) of our first Sunday Service on Zoom, 29 March 2020, services will be held regularly on Zoom until the effective end of the coronavirus pandemic lock-down is over.

Using a term from the art and … read more.

Write for Rights

Carol will mark International Women’s Day by speaking about the concept of rights, and consider rights-based conventions, especially for Indigenous people.

Rights is a complicated topic as is made clear by Mi’kmaq scholar Pam Palmater, who writes about “the right to vote,” and Gitxsan children’s rights activist Cindy Blackstock.  … read more.

Fahrenheit 451

Federico Sanchez is a Montréal journalist working in French-language media. His Lakeshore talk will touch on books, empathy and the ability to see the world through someone else’s eyes.  

The presentation is inspired by the sci-fi novel, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, and … read more.

Does Faith Bring Rewards?

Michael has been studying all beliefs and religions; but wonders:

Have any of us changed in the last few years & how would we know for sure – are we tumbleweeds forever skimming over the desert of life OR are some of us changing and taking root at an … read more.

Many Notions of God

Most religions claim an insight into ultimate reality, which they call God, but we Unitarian Universalists, being creedless, make no such claim. Or do we? 

In our seventh principle, we affirm the existence of the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part. 

It is wonderful to welcome Calogero, … read more.

Protecting Montréal Green Spaces

Lisa Mintz founded Sauvons la falaise, whose primary mission is to ensure protection of the St. Jacques Escarpment Eco-territory, and connection with other existing green spaces including the future Meadowbrook park. 

Falaise St-Jacques Escarpment

She will discuss the history and biology of the falaise as well … read more.

Who’s in – who’s out?

Rev. Roslyn Macgregor, a retired Anglican minister and long-time social activist in Montreal, headed the Mile End Mission for many years. She will draw on her experiences to challenge us to consider about what we think of ourselves and about how we relate to others … read more.