Topic: Beliefs

As Scarves Part the Bars

As Unitarians and Universalists, we draw on many sources to enrich, explain, and broaden the spiritual stirrings of our heart. In this time of Thanksgiving, let’s take time to revisit the sources that ground our U.U. faith. May we celebrate in gladness! Service leader – Susan Czarnocki Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz Hospitality – Jose van … Continue reading As Scarves Part the Bars

Every Woman Counts

As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have to deal with this human form that we have been given. These vehicles we call bodies seek pleasure and connection much beyond what religion would allow, yet the most basic act of procreation on which we depend as a species can be truly ecstatic and therefore … Continue reading Every Woman Counts

The First Principle

Susan Czarnocki asks: When you hear the phrase “the inherent worth and dignity of every person”, what image forms in your head? A mother’s love, the kindness of strangers, multicultural diversity? How do war, torturers, mass-murderers and serial killers fit into this picture? What is the ‘real world’ meaning of the our First Unitarian Principle? … Continue reading The First Principle