As spiritual beings having a human experience, we have to deal with this human form that we have been given. These vehicles we call bodies seek pleasure and connection much beyond what religion would allow, yet the most basic act of procreation on which we depend as a species can be truly ecstatic and therefore something of great value.
This week we welcome Sandra Wesley, the Director General of Stella, as we dive into the First principle. Sandra is truly knowledgeable about the “oldest profession” on earth in general, and more specifically what social justice issues are being tackled by the Montreal organization. Stella was created by local sex workers in 1995 as a project within an HIV programme and has remained “by and for” sex workers ever since.

- Service leader – Karine Deschamps
- Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz
- Hospitality – Heather Falconer & Catherine Forbes
Topics: Beliefs, Community, Connections