Archives: Services

The Mile End Mission

We welcome Rev. Roslyn Macgregor and several members of the Mile End Mission to share how they are building community in our very diverse city.  The Mission aims to create a safe and welcoming community which meets the practical, emotional and spiritual needs of those who need it the most in that area of Montreal. Not just … Continue reading The Mile End Mission

Dancing in the Eye

This service is about “dancing in the eye of the hurricane.” How do we, in these times of rapid acceleration and great change, not only cope, but actually thrive?  We have the need to find and be in a lively, yet peaceful state, as individuals and communities, despite the complexity and chaos in the world around … Continue reading Dancing in the Eye

Kith and Kin and Congregation

The term “beloved community” is often used to speak about congregations. What Rev. Stan Sears has found, particularly in smaller congregations, has been an emphasis on developing healthy relationships among the members. This is not as easy as it may sound; and, in some cases it means finding the delicate balance between so much closeness that it repels … Continue reading Kith and Kin and Congregation

Building Community Amongst Diversity

We welcome back Clifford Lincoln to our congregation once again to speak about his experiences in regards to our general theme this church year. Clifford’s native land is the island of Mauritius, an independent island state with very few natural resources, and yet seems to thrive quite well economically. He believes: “that prosperity and equitable living are tributaries … Continue reading Building Community Amongst Diversity

Near Death Experience

Anita Moorjani nearly died in 2006 and during a 30-hour coma, she had a Near Death Experience, which brought her in contact with what she calls the Infinite Self. Subsequently, she wrote a book, Dying to Be Me, describing her life, illness, passage close to death and healing. She draws from her story a message of love, … Continue reading Near Death Experience

Prospect of Writing & Publishing a Book

What motivations lead one to becoming a writer?  Michael Rooker who has written two books tells us about the prospects involved in venturing into writing and publishing: determination, readership, genres, power of the pen and the nature of the industry are among the angles to consider.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

SPECIAL TIME 5:30 PM. Our Musical Director Kerry-Anne Kutz and Karine Deschamps will lead our community in a holiday season sing-a-long, with poems and story-telling. The musical talents of the Congregation, including some Lakeshore Community Choir members, will be solicited for this festive service reflecting the Christmas tradition.

Lighting Our Corner of the Sky

This is a holiday season MULTI-GENERATIONAL service.  Our children and youth will lead us through a joyous spiritual exploration of how different religions celebrate at this time of the year. The faiths featured, Pagan, Jewish, Christian, Kwanzaa and Unitarian, will be delightfully expressed through story and song.