Archives: Services

Freezing Rain – Service Canceled

Due to a major storm hitting Southwest Québec bringing freezing rain, sleet and high winds, Saturday night and Sunday morning, Lakeshore has regretfully been obliged to cancel this Sunday’s service. Our planned speaker Myrlande Myrand of Dans la rue will be rescheduled in February.

Our Traditional Youth Service

This multi-generational service will be created and presented by our Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist youth and children. There will be readings, singing, and many delightful surprises. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate and welcome in the holiday spirit! Service leader – Erin Berry Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz Hospitality – Dori & Peter Abbott

Sacredness of Tears

Our beloved Minister Emeritus, Fred Cappuccino, age 93, will speak on the “Sacredness of Tears.”  As Washington Irving said, “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.” And Fred has said that if the people are good he will NOT sing an old Irish song. Service leader – Heather Falconer Musician … Continue reading Sacredness of Tears

The Death & Life of Griffintown: 21 Stories

We welcome filmmaker and art educator G. Scott Macleod back to our UU congregation, this time to take us on a walking tour of 21 of the most fascinating historic sites in Montreal’s iconic Griffintown neighbourhood, including the New City Gas, Griffintown Horse Palace and the former Dow Brewery. With only a handful of residential and industrial buildings … Continue reading The Death & Life of Griffintown: 21 Stories

On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

We have the pleasure of welcoming Rabbi Sherril Gilbert as she returns to Lakeshore for the fourth time. This time, she will explore the systems thinking principle of emergence, and apply it to moral ways of being in the world, termite architecture, and Hasidic mystical teachings. Service leader – Christopher Thomson Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz … Continue reading On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

Caring Across Continents

Dolores Meade is one of the founders of the Hudson Grandmothers group called Grannies Aid for Africa. This group is part of the Grandmother’s Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. She will speak about the impact of the AIDS pandemic on African communities and about the role of both African and Canadian grandmothers in rebuilding … Continue reading Caring Across Continents

A Sense of Others

Jean Vanier, who died recently, was the founder of l’Arche homes, and Clifford’s late son Peter – severely afflicted by Down’s syndrome – spent twenty years of his life in one of those homes. Clifford will reflect on these words from Vanier’s book, Wisdom of Life. “I long for a world which gives itself the … Continue reading A Sense of Others