Author: Christopher Thomson

On Religious Sensibilities, Termites, and the Dot of Goodness

Compiled by Rabbi Sherril Gilbert Inspired by R’ Chava Bahle, R’ Debra Orenstein, & R’ Avraham Greenbaum, Margaret Wheatley; Judaism Unbound podcast, and R’ Hannah Dresner.  Sermon given at the Lakeshore UU Congregation – 24 November 2019 So there is this passenger sitting on a train and he is watching with astonishment this older man … Continue reading On Religious Sensibilities, Termites, and the Dot of Goodness

Caged Bird

Today, we begin another year of celebrating our lives together, sharing our thoughts and feelings, our joys and sorrows. I have chosen this morning to celebrate the life and words of an inspiring Afro-American poet, Maya Angelou. I’ll start with a thumbnail portrait.  She was born in 1928 as Marguerite Johnson. When her parents’ marriage … Continue reading Caged Bird

Pact for Transition

A Pact for the Transition – from Words to Action At the end of 2018, our Québec artistic community has announced le Pacte pour la Transition which combines a personal commitment to reducing our ecological footprint and slowing global warming with a vigorous lobby to press the Legault government to act collectively to meet our … Continue reading Pact for Transition

2019 Stewardship Report

Summary: Investments, income & expenditures ALL DOWN. Last year, investments were up markedly although income and expenditures were both on a continuing downward trend. So this year is the first recent year where our investments have declined over the year, due to stock market drops in the last half of 2018. We went from 338 … Continue reading 2019 Stewardship Report

The Ripple Effect

The Canadian Unitarian Council’s National Social Justice Team has launched a new two-year initiative called The Ripple Effect, focusing on that key resource which is water.  It is also an issue which intersects with First Nation concerns and rights.  The Sharing Our Faith service we held in February on the theme of Water was also … Continue reading The Ripple Effect

Hidden Hunger

A short (9 minute) documentary about hunger in the apparently affluent West Island was written, directed and produced by Concordia University students, Akshay Grover, Max Duguay, and Luca Brown, with coordination by the West Island Community Resource Centre (WICRC). WICRC comments: The West Island Community Sector came together to look at the key issues regarding … Continue reading Hidden Hunger