Author: Susan Hook Czarnocki

Truth and Reconciliation

On the eve of the day dedicated to Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, I would like the LakeshoreUnitarian Universalist Congregation in Lachine, Quebec, to affirm the following as a call toaction:Articles 48 and 49 of the 94 recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissionstate the following:Article 48: We call upon the church parties to the … Continue reading Truth and Reconciliation

Adding an Eighth Principle

Included as a point of reference: UUA version as of now –We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: Canadian version:“We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: ‘Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in … Continue reading Adding an Eighth Principle

The First Principle

Some Relevant History: The cry of ‘Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité of the French Revolution in 1789, and the Declaration of Independence sent to the King of England from 13 trivial new world colonies in 1776, arose in a world where for roughly 1200 years, clan ties and war had defined hierarchical social orders, and where huge … Continue reading The First Principle

Hamilton 2018 — a memorable CUC National Gathering

This year, the Canadian Unitarian Council National Gathering was held in Hamilton. Ontario – and the most impressive aspect of the meetings was the Hamilton Congregation itself. You may remember Curtis Murphy and Carly Gaylor, both of whom spent time in Montreal and spoke to us here at Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Congregation. They were married … Continue reading Hamilton 2018 — a memorable CUC National Gathering