Topic: Spirituality

Exploring the Healing Power of Music

Ariel discusses the many ways in which music can heal us. Recent scientific advancements have made great strides in using music therapy as a tool for emotional and even physical rehabilitation.

Christmas Eve Service

Our Christmas Eve service this year will be different, but still filled with beautiful music, songs for you to sing, and stories to enchant us. Please join us on Zoom at 5:30 p.m. on December 24.

Seeking the Christmas Spirit

This year, more than ever before, we yearn to find creative, safe and caring ways to share the traditional messages of “comfort and joy” with others, and to replenish our battered spirits. Do you have special memories of that “Christmas Spirit” touching you, and staying with you?

Lest we forget: remembering the Spanish Flu

The 1918 “Spanish” Flu killed more people than died in WW1: for every soldier killed in combat, three died of that flu. Calogero Cumbo explores why, in the middle of our current pandemic, we have forgotten that previous one.

ZOOM: Racism – a personal issue

Reverend Terre Balof, who serves as the Minister of the UU Fellowship of Clemson, South Carolina will speak about her efforts of building an interfaith anti anti-racism coalition in her area and how the efforts are touching both the personal and the community at large.

ON ZOOM: Growing Edges

After the success in quality and quantity (40 attendees) of our first Sunday Service on Zoom, 29 March 2020, services will be held regularly on Zoom until the effective end of the coronavirus pandemic lock-down is over.

Using a term from the art and … read more.

Does Faith Bring Rewards?

Michael has been studying all beliefs and religions; but wonders:

Have any of us changed in the last few years & how would we know for sure – are we tumbleweeds forever skimming over the desert of life OR are some of us changing and taking root at an … read more.

Many Notions of God

Most religions claim an insight into ultimate reality, which they call God, but we Unitarian Universalists, being creedless, make no such claim. Or do we? 

In our seventh principle, we affirm the existence of the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part. 

It is wonderful to welcome Calogero, … read more.