Speaker: Rabbi Sherril Gilbert

We Will Build This World From Love

Belonging can be thought of as a “longing to be.” Being is our capacity to find our deeper purpose in all that we do. It is the capacity to be present, and to discover our authentic, whole selves. This is both an individual capacity, and a community capacity. Community is the container within which our “longing to be” is fulfilled. Come join Rabbi Sherril Gilbert as she returns to share stories, insights, and reflections on what it might mean to build a community that warmly welcomes and deeply values belonging and inclusion.

Good Vibrations

The great hasidic master Reb Nachman of Breslov taught that the way to happiness is to find the good in others always. Furthermore, he wrote that finding points of goodness in everyone – including ourselves – creates new songs of joy in the world.

On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

We have the pleasure of welcoming Rabbi Sherril Gilbert as she returns to Lakeshore for the fourth time. This time, she will explore the systems thinking principle of emergence, and apply it to moral ways of being in the world, termite architecture, and Hasidic mystical teachings. Service leader – Christopher Thomson Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz … Continue reading On Religious Sensibilities, Termites and the Dot of Goodness

The Fragility of Life

Rabbi Sherril Gilbert returns to Lakeshore for a third time.  She tells us: During the Jewish holiday of Sukkot (beginning on the eve of September 23), Jews all around the world build small outdoor temporary huts. The impermanence of these structures helps us deepen our recognition of our vulnerability as human beings.   Dwelling in our … Continue reading The Fragility of Life

Judaism Unbound – Jewish Renewal

What My Faith has Taught me about Building Community in a Multicultural World In this presentation, Rabbi Sherril discusses her current thoughts on Jewish renewal, an evolving spiritual movement that is radically inclusive, superbly accessible, and deeply reverent. “Judaism Unbound” provides insights and suggestions for other progressive faith groups who wish to build communities incorporating … Continue reading Judaism Unbound – Jewish Renewal