Speaker: Lakeshore Youth & Children

What We Are Grateful For [in church only]

We invite each person attending to bring an image of something for which you are very grateful (a copy of a photo, a drawing or one cut out of a magazine). For those who forget, we will have a collection of old magazines and scissors on hand to find an image before the service begins. During the service, each person will be asked to share why they chose that image, and to add their image to a poster board we will have on hand. 

Easter Sunday – Flower Communion Service

We are very excited to have our first service back in person of 2022, on Easter weekend! This will be a multi-generational service with participants of all ages.
As in the past, there will be a Story Time and this week’s story will be Easter themed. Congregants of all ages will be speaking and sharing throughout the service. The highlight will be our beautiful flower communion; everyone is asked to bring a flower which will be exchanged for a different flower during the service. We are all really looking forward to seeing everyone and connecting in person once again!


The children and youth are working hard to put together this December holiday themed service. They will share what they have learned about Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Christmas and there will be poetry reading and singing!

This service is for ALL ages. We hope everyone will come out to support our children and youth, in person or virtually. We are looking forward to a great end to the 2021 year!

Our Traditional Youth Service

This multi-generational service will be created and presented by our Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist youth and children. There will be readings, singing, and many delightful surprises. We hope to see everyone there to celebrate and welcome in the holiday spirit! Service leader – Erin Berry Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz Hospitality – Dori & Peter Abbott