Truth and Reconciliation

On the eve of the day dedicated to Truth and Reconciliation in Canada, I would like the LakeshoreUnitarian Universalist Congregation in Lachine, Quebec, to affirm the following as a call toaction:Articles 48 and 49 of the 94 recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commissionstate the following:Article 48: We call upon the church parties to the … Continue reading Truth and Reconciliation

Jean Merrifield Tribute

This is a quick link to the special tribute edition of the Lakeshore Newsletter. Here, we commemorate the life of Jean Merrifield, 1916-2021, and the impact she had on our community.

2022-2023 Board Election

Lakeshore held its annual Board of Directors election in person and on-line via Zoom. This year, it took place after the end of the 24 April 2021 Sunday Service. Were elected unanimously: President (for a two-year term) – Sheila Laursen Secretary (for a two-year term) – Milda Graham Director B (for a two-year term) – … Continue reading 2022-2023 Board Election

Sheila honours Margaret

How will we recover from the loss of Margaret in our lives? Margaret quickly became a solid pillar of strength for LUUC – and LUUCers – and everyone she knew. Margaret was always there for us when we needed help – and her support was generous, kind and without judgement. Margaret was the same in our larger … Continue reading Sheila honours Margaret

Adding an Eighth Principle

Included as a point of reference: UUA version as of now –We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: Canadian version:“We, the member congregations of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to affirm and promote: ‘Individual and communal action that accountably dismantles racism and other oppressions in ourselves and in … Continue reading Adding an Eighth Principle