Date(s) - 29/05/2022 - 19/06/2022
16:00 - 17:00
Categories No Categories
Milda and Usha resume the gentle yoga practice in Pine Beach Park, by the gazebo, weather permitting.
They offer a mini-session of four weeks of hour-long practice each time. Sundays 29 May to 19 June, 4 to 5 pm.
From those who are able, a contribution of 30 $ for each four-week commitment would be appreciated.
Visitors who want to drop in to see if they like this low-stress yoga are welcome.
Show up with a mat and water and welcome the sun.
If you haven’t received an email from Milda about the up-coming Pine Beach session, please phone her at 514-296-9369 or fill in the Comment section below.
And if you have any other questions, again use the Comment section or phone Milda at 514-296-9369.