Speaker: Christopher Thomson

Serge Bouchard – Listening to the heart

Serge Bouchard, Québec’s celebrated anthropologist and broadcaster, keen observer of the human heart in many places, passed away suddenly at the young age of 73. I wish in this service to tell a bit of his story, which represents the very best of what our Québec society offers in terms of values and care.

Homeward Bound

After our Summer hiatus with picnics and BBQs, the Lakeshore Unitarian Universalist Congregation is homeward bound, returning to our regular Sunday morning services. Christopher Thomson, one of our members and a long-settled immigrant in Québec, will talk about the personal journeys we make in our lives.  Leaving our first home to go into the world, yet … Continue reading Homeward Bound

Near Death Experience

Anita Moorjani nearly died in 2006 and during a 30-hour coma, she had a Near Death Experience, which brought her in contact with what she calls the Infinite Self. Subsequently, she wrote a book, Dying to Be Me, describing her life, illness, passage close to death and healing. She draws from her story a message of love, … Continue reading Near Death Experience