Archives: Services


Rev. Heather Fraser-Fawcett tells us:  Beauty matters. It surprises us and sustains us. It is in our essence and in the essence of others, places, and things. Sometimes, we need the eyes of the heart to truly see beauty.

Toward reconciliation with indigenous people

This will be the second of three services this year on indigenous people’s perspectives on Canada.

This TWO-HOUR exercise demands the full participation of the attendees in a reliving of the experience of dispossession in the indigenous encounter with white society.

Indigenous meal follows.

In Griffintown

Scott MacLeod is back to share another of his thoughtful films on Quebec’s history.  This time, it’s the life history documentary on the Mercier family of Griffintown, a once thriving community of predominantly working class Irish and French Canadians, now almost gone.

What is Worship?

It is always a pleasure to welcome Dorothy, a member of the Plattsburgh Unitarian Fellowship, back to LUUC. She will help us explore “What is Worship?” What are we looking for in a worship service? What type of worship service meets the needs and desires … read more.

War and Peace – Have we learned?

This service will reflect on War and Peace: From World War 2 to today’s ongoing military actions, with Jean Merrifield, Heather Falconer and Timothy Byrnes.

War/Peace – J Horton (Sequoit Media)



Honouring the Cappuccinos

Rev. Fred Cappuccino served as minister to our congregation from 1967-1974, and he is our Minister Emeritus. Fred and Bonnie have continued to be part of our LUUC “family”, and have inspired us with their dedication to improving the lives of children. We hope you … read more.

The Day of the Dead – Honouring Our Ancestors

In Mexico, the Day of the Dead is a day of celebration and remembrance of loved
ones who have died by each family.

In this participative service, we will honour some of our LUUC “ancestors” who
contributed so much to our congregation’s life and vitality.  And there will … read more.

An Indigenous Perspective on Canada’s 150th

The summer of 2017 has been filled with festivals and special events marking the
150th birthday of Canada as a nation, and Montreal’s 375th anniversary. But for
First Nations and Inuit people, their history on this land go back thousands and
thousands of years. Today, we welcome Nakuset … read more.

Religion and Happiness

Does belonging to a religious community generally enhance people’s
happiness?  Gabor Matyas will refer to a book entitled Happiness by Ed Diener, a
professor of psychology at the University of Illinois, who is an expert on the
science of happiness.

Gabor will review the chapter dealing with religion and … read more.

I am the God of All

Father Bob Lemire

Father Bob will share with us his understanding of the presence of God (as we
conceive him) in our lives, no matter by which faith, religion, or tradition we
abide by.  What is important is that we have faith that we are loved
unconditionally by our creator whoever … read more.