Speaker: Rev. Fred Cappuccino

Sacredness of Tears

Our beloved Minister Emeritus, Fred Cappuccino, age 93, will speak on the “Sacredness of Tears.”  As Washington Irving said, “There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.” And Fred has said that if the people are good he will NOT sing an old Irish song. Service leader – Heather Falconer Musician … Continue reading Sacredness of Tears

The Assault on Reason

In 2007, the former U.S. Vice-President Al Gore wrote a book titled, The Assault on Reason. It is even more relevant with today’s occupant (innommable) of the White House. On 21 April, Easter Sunday, Fred Cappuccino, our beloved Minister Emeritus, will speak on the pertinence today of Gore’s thesis. Service Leader: Sari Kelen Musician: Kerry-Anne Kutz … Continue reading The Assault on Reason

The Religious Experience

The classic religious experience was that of St. Paul on the road to Damascus. Paul immediately stopped persecuting Christians, and became one himself.  Many religious people have devoted their lives to seeking a religious experience. One fellow named Mert asked (Methodist) Bishop Quayle, “Bishop, How can I have an experience of God?” The bishop said, … Continue reading The Religious Experience