ZOOM: A Unitarian Easter

What does Easter mean to Unitarians this year? A survey of our members reveals that in other years the Easter tradition means family gatherings, celebrations of spring and Easter egg hunts for the children.

This year finds us connected by computer and telephone locked down in our residences with our older generation remembering similar times like the Battle of Britain where Jean wore a gas mask as a face mask, Dori was hiding in a house in Holland, Maud compares this time to the beginning of WWII in 1939 when Canada supported Britain while the US stayed out of the war until Pearl Harbour was bombed in 1941.

The common thread that keeps us strong is our Resilience and will to Survive. That is our Easter, Passover, Buddhist New Year, Hindu, Tamil and Bengali New Year (April 14). For Muslims Ramadan starts April 23 and runs until May 23. All these religions celebrate rebirth, resilience, facing hardship together and supporting each other.

Unitarians embrace and respect people of all faiths along with atheists, agnostics and people who identify primarily as humanists all of whom celebrate the resilience of the human spirit. This year we feel closer to our fellow human beings from all over the world as we greet the spring or new year with hope and determination to support each other in our communities.

  • Service leader – Paul Sullivan
  • Musician – Kerry-Anne Kutz
  • Zoom host – Gary Spiller


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