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Date(s) - 24/04/2022
11:30 - 11:45
A KEY governance event: the annual election in April to fill those Board of Directors posts coming vacant at the next Annual General Meeting (the latter being held in the third week of June). Board members are normally elected for two-year terms.
The nominating Committee, composed of five members of the congregation, they being this year: Susan Czarnocki, Heather Falconer, Rob Lutes, Gabor Matyas, and Christopher Thomson, submit nominees for election to the Board of Directors, normally according to the following sequence: in even years, the President, Secretary and one Director; in odd years the Vice President, Treasurer and one Director. Directors can be elected for one-year terms to fill vacancies.
President (for a two-year term) nominated – Sheila Laursen
Secretary (for a two-year term) nominated – Milda Graham
Director B (for a two-year term) nominated – Paul Sullivan
Director B (for a two-year term) nominated – Paul Sullivan
At the same time, depending on vacancies, one or two members will be elected to the Responsible Membership Committee.
This year, Rob Lutes is nominated to join Christopher Thomson on this committee. The new Board will also designated one member.