Speaker: Dorothy Latta

The Times They Are a-Changin’ – And So Are We [Zoom only]

How much can things change and still remain the same? And how do we maintain our personal identities when we need to adapt to the changing world around us?
It is always a pleasure to welcome Dorothy back to LUUC, even when it is on Zoom! She will give us much to think about today….

Space Between the Logs

It is always wonderful to welcome back Dorothy Latta of the Plattsburgh, New York UU Fellowship to our congregation. Dorothy will will speak about when in a rush and feeling stressed, sometimes the hardest thing in the is to stop: often we may feel compelled to go even faster.  How can we find it easier to pause?

ZOOM: God Revised

The Reverend Galen Guengerich believes that we have outgrown the concept of a supernatural God, so we no longer need one, yet we still need religion to give us a sense of common community and ethics and morality.

What is Worship?

It is always a pleasure to welcome Dorothy, a member of the Plattsburgh Unitarian Fellowship, back to LUUC. She will help us explore “What is Worship?” What are we looking for in a worship service? What type of worship service meets the needs and desires of us that gather on Sunday mornings?