Speaker: Clifford Lincoln

Deeply Caring Love [Zoom only]

Clifford Lincoln writes: As we gather in peace to celebrate love for one another and understanding among all peoples, we cannot but turn our thoughts towards those countless innocent fellow human-beings who, at this very hour, are the victims of the indescribable savagery and senseless brutality of war. And I could not help thinking of an episode in my own life’s experience involving Russia in another autocratic era of oppression and cruelty, and a remarkable Russian citizen, Vera Parnes, who defying the injustice of an all-powerful regime, became a living symbol of freedom and liberty for oppressed peoples.

The Power of the Human Spirit

Clifford Lincoln writes: Watching President Putin this week, as he delivered his frighteningly-negative decision about Ukraine, I could not help thinking about the immense good he could have done instead, by directing the billions in military hardware and preparations, towards the common good, and the welfare of his people.
I also thought of Russia, which I have visited on several occasions, and of a very special Russian individual who used the power of her indomitable human spirit towards the common good and the cause of the oppressed.

Thinking beyond Ourselves

The pandemic has also caused us to reflect more deeply about others, about our neighbours, especially those less fortunate than ourselves stricken in their thousands by the onset of Covid-19 – as well as those very many others who risk their lives daily at the front-line to keep us safe.

A Sense of Others

Jean Vanier, who died recently, was the founder of l’Arche homes, and Clifford’s late son Peter – severely afflicted by Down’s syndrome – spent twenty years of his life in one of those homes. Clifford will reflect on these words from Vanier’s book, Wisdom of Life. “I long for a world which gives itself the … Continue reading A Sense of Others

Building Community Amongst Diversity

We welcome back Clifford Lincoln to our congregation once again to speak about his experiences in regards to our general theme this church year. Clifford’s native land is the island of Mauritius, an independent island state with very few natural resources, and yet seems to thrive quite well economically. He believes: “that prosperity and equitable living are tributaries … Continue reading Building Community Amongst Diversity