Lakeshore Coronavirus Precautions

Dear Members and Friends of Lakeshore UU Congregation,

Our Lakeshore UU community is vital to our lives. So in the context of the 2020-2021 coronavirus pandemic and current Public Health authority directives, the Board has decided to establish the following prevention guidelines, in case we re-establish on-site Sunday services during a period in which the virus is still active at some level in the population, despite an eventual relaxation on restrictions on public gatherings.

However, CONSIDER NOT ATTENDING if you feel in the slightest unwell or you have an underlying condition which leaves you with an IMPAIRED IMMUNE SYSTEM. We will miss you very much but your health is everyone’s priority.

For those who decide to attend an on-site service, we ask everyone to abide by these GUIDELINES:

1. MAINTAIN TWO-METER (6 ft) DISTANCE from non-family members in the Lobby, in the Sanctuary and in the Hall:

  • NO kisses, hugs, handshakes, fist bumps nor elbow bumps – NO physical contact, please.
  • Wear a mask at all times, except when consuming coffee or tea and snacks during the coffee time.
  • Greeters will put out hymnals and Orders of Service for people to pick up themselves.
  • Please move out of the Lobby promptly and find seating in the Sanctuary where you have space between yourself and others and can still enjoy the service and the speaker.
  • During coffee time, please move some distance away from the counter after picking up your coffee and cookie – so you can talk with friends while still maintaining the TWO-METER DISTANCE. 

2. WASH YOUR HANDS BOTH BEFORE & AFTER COFFEE TIME as the risk of handling objects and surfaces touched by others is greatest then. There are three bathrooms in the church, including one (uni-sex) off the Sanctuary beside our Office. A Purell dispenser is also available in the Lobby.

MESSAGE TO PARENTS WITH SMALL CHILDREN: Please let us know (by replying to this message via Comments below) if you intend to bring your kids so we can make arrangements for them. 

In May 2021, the Board might re-evaluate on the basis of up-to-date public health directives and th progress of vaccination among the members, whether or NOT to resume Sunday services in June 2021.  

We will contact you by email and / or phone about that decision.

Many thanks for your cooperation and take care.

Christopher Thomson
Lakeshore Webmaster
Updated: 2021-03-21

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