Lakeshore Bulletin 2020-03-22

Cross-congregational check-up – Susan Czarnocki

Just 10 days ago, the lurking curse of Friday-13th came roaring in to change our lives.  Late on Thursday the 12th, the pillars of normalcy came crashing down around us, as school boards, universities, CEGEPS – announced cancellations.  This was followed by the cancellation of most public social activities. The world turned upside down.

As we all work on maintaining our physical distancing, what about buttressing our social closeness?  How about a  weekly email as an outlet to sustain our community ties?  Tell us what you are up to:  perhaps you’re taking up a new hobby, or learning a new skill. Or enjoying peaceful moments as you release your self from the pressures of an over-filled life.  Send along your ‘joys and sorrows’, and nuggets of wisdom discovered.  Send along your updates, we will collate them and –voila– we weave our own LUUC support-web.

How about a virtual meeting?
Gary Spiller has pursued a Sunday service replacement possibilities, checking out the logistics of  holding an online get-together  – from the comfort of our home computer.  Should we be working to hold a virtual LUUC meeting? Does it seem like a worthwhile effort to you?
The Board will discuss such possibilities at their conference call Board Meeting this coming Thursday, so send us your reactions please!  

LUUC’ers also travel to Florida!
Jose was visiting a long-time friend in Florida, and having difficulties getting a flight home. Good news: she now has a reservation for Wednesday.  

Tim and Gaetane have been looking after Tim’s mother in Florida since Christmas time.  They will remain there until other family members return to step in and take their place.

In case you like Stats — as of 10AM Sunday:
                                        Quebec   Ontario      B.C.
% of Canada’s cases        13%       27%        30%
%  Canada’s TotPop         23%       39%        13.5%
Between Quebec and Ontario, In terms of cases per population,  there is very little difference:  it’s the difference between roughly 4/160000 in Quebec and 4/140000 in Ontario.

Caring Corner:You may remember Patience, and her son Nabil who attended LUUC on International Women’s Day.  They are new arrivals from Nigeria, seeking asylum in Canada.  They arrived in time to witness the closure of schools, bookstores, and libraries, closing off the usual channels for keeping up in school. Hence, they are seeking donations of kid’s books, readable by a bright fourth grader.  Also any ‘Teach yourself French” materials that Patience could borrow – especially CD’s would be much appreciated! 


And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows.

And the people began to think differently. And, in the decline of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.

And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.” by Kitty O’Meara 

Susan Czarnocki 2020-03-22

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